Tuesday, August 11, 2020

I hurt myself again

I hurt myself again Seriously, I am really, really bad at not tripping and falling over things. My failings at life from the last couple of weeks include tripping on one (1) set of steps in front of Senior Haus and nearly hitting myself in the face on the railing, skidding across six (6) feet of ice-covered sidewalk and falling flat on my butt in front of a group of construction workers, tripping over my own feet about twelve (12) times while walking across the Longfellow Bridge with Jesse 09 (who says he didnt notice, but whatever), and repeatedly getting caught on the laces of my badass new shoes while being shoved around by fifty (50) drunk hipsters at a Black Lips concert on Saturday night with Hanna 10 and Keira 12. And then I woke up this morning and my right hip was bothering me a lot its been a recurring issue in for the last couple of years, probably made worse by my inability to remain standing on my feet for more than a nanosecond without falling over them. Anyway, Ive been limping around pathetically all day. Woo. Oh, and I havent showered since Saturday morning and Ive been wearing the same shirt for three days. But today I got back one of three exams I took last week, and since it is the best grade Ive gotten on an exam since my first 5.12 test over two years ago, I stuck it up on my refrigerator with magnets. I also asked around on my hall for a gold star sticker. No, I do not think I am taking this too seriously.

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